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BKK-VBU says: "With our project "People & Space & Technology" we are redesigning our own working world. Not by buying a concept and putting it over ourselves, but by optimally matching our requirements and needs with the possibilities on site. At our Duisburg location, we have created spaces as opportunities - for workplaces that make the philosophy of our project tangible for the first time. A workplace at BKK-VBU follows the tasks that are done at it. And not the other way round. Whether concentration, collaboration or communication: our spaces create the possibilities and are designed and equipped for each of these three task areas. So that people can use and experience them. In order to realise this future-proof redesign, we needed strong partners and are pleased to have found such a partner in AOS in the issues of room acoustics that are important to us."

The workplaces of BKK-VBU were equipped with partition walls from the room partitioning series Prime Line 40. The decision was made in favour of highly sound-absorbing acoustic walls 1400 mm high on both sides, equipped with an additional glass top 400 mm high. The lateral shielding was extended and chosen deeper than the work table depth. An important feature of the sound shielding: there is no gap in the linear as well as in the right-angled connections and additionally in the connection of solid wall to glass attachment. The characteristic of the solid walls with "centrally increased sound insulation" (Rw = 25dB) and at the same time highly sound-absorbing is the supporting foundation of the acoustic concept realised there.


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